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Helen Kitzmiller scrapbooks on Wester Souburg

Identifier: MS K325

Scope and Content

The scrapbooks contain photographs, clippings, and other materials documenting Hudson's relationship with the town of Wester-Souburg, Holland. The scrapbook focuses primarily on relief efforts to assist the town after devastating floods ravaged the town during World War II. Photographs, letters, newspaper clippings, and other ephemera document the entire story from Hudson's first interest in helping the town in 1945 to the organized Wester-Souburg Day in 1948. The scrapbook also includes photographs of Wester-Souburg before and after the floods.


  • Creation: 1944-1953

Restrictions on Access

The collection is open for research use.

Restrictions on Use

The collection is open for research use.

History of Wester-Souburg Day

Helen Kitzmiller (1888-1955), author of "The First One Hundred Years of Western Reserve" was instrumental in establishing "Wester Souburg Day" an event that solicited money and donations to help a small town in Wester-Souburg, Holland. The Academy first developed a connection with this small town in 1944, when it was discovered that the replacement bell for its chapel had been cast in 1611 in Wester-Souburg. During World War II, Wester-Souburg suffered a major flood after Allies had bombed the dikes surrounding the town. To help, Hudsonites sent money and clothing in 1945. However, in 1948 the town was still struggling to recover. The first "Wester Souburg Day" on March 20, 1948 featured a clothing drive, a tea and bazaar, a performance by the Hudson Players, and a dinner with a 60 lb. cake. The event raised $1500.


1.5 Linear Feet (1 oversize box (2 volumes))

Language of Materials



Scrapbooks documenting Hudson's involvement in assisting the town of Wester-Souburg, Holland, after floods damaged the town during World War II.

Statement of Arrangement

The scrapbooks have been mostly assembled in chronological order.

Acquisition Information

The scrapbooks were donated to the Hudson Library & Historical Society in 1962 (accession nos. 62-143 and 62-144). No donor has been identified, but it was likely donated by the scrapbook's creator, Helen Kitzmiller.

Finding aid for the Helen Kitzmiller scrapbooks on Wester Souburg
Edited Full Draft
Finding aid prepared by Polly Reynolds
Description rules
Describing Archives: A Content Standard
Language of description
Script of description

Repository Details

Part of the Hudson Library & Historical Society Repository

96 Library Street
Hudson OH 44236